Home » St. Mary’s South water situation ‘stable’

St. Mary’s South water situation ‘stable’

by pointe team
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The people living in the St. Mary’s South constituency have been assured that the

water supply to their homes and businesses has reached a point described as being


What this means, according to Utilities Minister Melford Nicholas, is that while

consumers can expect a regular supply of water, there may be times when there are

disruptions because of a system failure.

The minister reported that when for example, he checked the daily readout from

the various plants on Sunday night, he noted that one of the four units at the Ffryes

Plant which serves the southern corridor had been down. By Monday morning, the

minister was able to advise the nation that a repair team was already at work

getting the unit back online.

“There can be disruptions, but what Mechanical and Project Engineer, Brian

Nicholas has said is that with the experiences that we have had from the other

areas, a lot of redundancy and resilience has been built into the Fort James plant

and the challenge for APUA, over the next year and a half, is to get all the RO

plants similarly equipped,” he stated.

Minister Nicholas explained that when a plant goes offline, for whatever reason, it

normally takes roughly 24 hours for it to return to full capacity. “That’s why we do

not desire too many of these instances. This is why too, that even with the energy

needed to run these plants, I have asked for that level of resilience to be built in. So

all of the critical components, including the production plants and the transmission

systems where the main booster stations are, now require backup power to

operate,” he further explained.

The minister revealed that APUA is about to spend a further $2 million to purchase

backup systems for the RO plants.

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