Students from three primary schools visited the Mosquito Village display mounted
by the Central Board of Health at its former head office compound on the Lower
All Saints Road.
It was the kick-off of Mosquito Week, 2024, with students along with their
teachers from Sunnyside Tutorial primary, Divine Academy and the St. Michael’s
primary visited the display and learnt of the steps that they can take to control the
breeding of mosquitoes.
Today (Tuesday), students from the Adventist and St. John’s Catholic primary
schools will have their turn to see the display which focuses on how mosquitoes
multiple and what can be done to reduce the areas where they lay their eggs and
Under the theme, ‘Small bite, big threat’ and the slogan, Stop disease
transmission, start disease reduction’, the activities form part of the observance of
Mosquito Awareness Week which runs from May 13-17.
The annual event is designed to create an awareness of the need for a community-
wide approach to mosquito reduction and eradication, and which calls on all
sectors of the society to be actively involved in the anti-mosquito campaign.
During the week, students from other primary schools are expected to visit the
Mosquito Village so that they too can be exposed to the information that is being
shared by the Vector Control officers of the CBH.