Home » Japan is helping Antigua and Barbud tackle NCD’s

Japan is helping Antigua and Barbud tackle NCD’s

by pointe team
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Antigua and Barbuda is turning to Japan for assistance in its fight to combat Non-

Communicable Diseases NCD’s.

A recent training program sponsored jointly by the Japanese International

Cooperation Agency JICA and the Antigua and Barbuda government has sparked

a new initiative aimed at improving healthcare standards in the region.

The training session was held in Japan towards the end of last year and it brought

together health professionals from various island nations, including Antigua and

Barbuda. Dr. Anju Smith, a community health specialist, represented Antigua and

Barbuda in the programme.

The initiative, facilitated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, focused on developing

countermeasures for the prevention and control of NCDs. Participants were

required to conduct a situation analysis of NCDs in their respective countries as a

prerequisite for the training.

Impressed by the high standard of community health services in Japan, Dr. Smith

is eager to implement aspects of the Japanese healthcare system in Antigua and

Barbuda. Specifically, she plans to introduce worker’s health checkups, inspired by

Japan’s comprehensive healthcare approach.

The proposed two-year worker’s health checkup, health promotion, and activity

programme are scheduled to commence in February 2024 and conclude in

November 2025. Discussions have already begun with JICA and the acting Chief

Medical Officer to ensure the successful implementation of the initiative.

In addition to worker’s health checkups, the training covered various topics

including dental perspectives on NCDs, epidemiological surveys, community

health promotional activities, anti-smoking measures, and metabolic syndrome and

exercise programs for the elderly.

Dr. Smith’s proposal for worker’s health checkups has garnered support from

various stakeholders, including lab technicians at Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre

and representatives from the Medical Benefits Scheme. Plans are underway to

form a committee or working group to further refine the proposal and gather

assistance for its successful rollout and completion.

The collaboration between JICA and Antigua and Barbuda health officials

underscores the commitment of both parties to improving community health and

addressing the challenges posed by NCDs in the region. With the adoption of

innovative approaches inspired by the Japanese healthcare model, Antigua and

Barbuda are poised to make significant strides in healthcare delivery and disease


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