Home » Antigua and Barbuda shares bold and ambitious SIDS driven initiatives with UN members

Antigua and Barbuda shares bold and ambitious SIDS driven initiatives with UN members

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Member states of the United Nations have been exposed to revolutionary
approaches being pursued by Antigua and Barbuda in placing Small Island
Developing States on track to securing a resilient and prosperous future.
At the United Nations Headquarters on Tuesday of this week, Antigua and
Barbuda updated member states on the key principles behind two important
initiatives geared at providing the necessary support and mechanisms for SIDS to
overcome their significant challenges, build resilience from external shocks and
achieve sustainable development.
Antigua and Barbuda’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Tumasie Blair shared details on the proposed Centre of Excellence, which will be
launched at the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States,

The Centre of Excellence is a direct response to the unique vulnerabilities of SIDS
and is planted on three corner stone pillars – a Global Data Hub, an Innovation and
Technology Mechanism and the Island Investment Forum.
“We see the Centre of Excellence as a game changer in the way the nations of
SIDS are treated. It is truly an empowering mechanism that leverages our human
capacity in creating our own solutions to the diverse issues we face arising from
our unique vulnerabilities,” Blair stated.
He also discussed the fine points of an innovative response to the increasing debt
burden which limits the fiscal space for small island developing states to take care
of even the very basic needs of their economic and social development.
This initiative, the SIDS Debt Sustainability Support Services, will also be
launched at the SIDS4
Conference in Antigua and Barbuda and is being envisioned as an inclusive and
ambitions capacity-building solution to ridding SIDS of their debt burdens.
To drive the process, the plan will establish a broad based Strategic Advisory
Group, co- chaired by Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister the Hon. Gaston
Browne and President of the Maldives, the Hon. Mohamed Muizzu. The advisory

group will include representatives of International Financial Institutions,
Multilateral Development Banks, regional development banks, the private sector,
members of civil society, academic institutions, think tanks and leading global
economists, lawyers, debt experts and development planners.
Chairing the event was Antigua and Barbuda’s Permanent Representative to the
United Nations Ambassador Walton Webson, who placed on record his profound
appreciation for the support that the two initiatives are already receiving from
major development partners and other SIDS.

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