The annual Labour Queen Show which has become a permanent feature of Labour
Week activities for the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party and the Antigua Trades
and Labour Union has confirmed that seven young ladies will compete this year.
The contestants are Denesha Samuel representing St. Mary’s South, Kasey Vitalis
of St. Mary’s North, Teresa Nanton – St. John’s City South, Delisa Weste – St.
Paul, Kafrisa Corbett – St. John’s City West, Mekesha Browne – St. John’s Rural
North and Lenique Stanislaus of St. John’s Rural South.
Head of the Planning Committee, Sharilyn James, said the show takes place this
year on Sunday, April 30 at the Dean William Lake Cultural Centre in St. John’s.
She noted that the popularity of the show has grown in recent years as it is seen as
a steppingstone for young women who wish to participate in the Queen of Carnival
pageant. She added that several winners of the pageant have ended up as winners
in the Carnival show or have ended up in the top three finalists.