Home » Qatar invited to invest in Antigua and Barbuda

Qatar invited to invest in Antigua and Barbuda

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Antigua and Barbuda is making a pitch for investments from the Kingdom of

Qatar, one of the wealthiest nations on earth.

The invitation was extended by Prime Minister Gaston Browne to the new Qatari

Ambassador for Antigua and Barbuda, Yaser Awad Al-Abdulla, who paid a

courtesy call to the Prime Minister on Tuesday.

“One of the areas where we feel that there could be some collaboration is in the

area of natural gas. We have just installed a natural gas plant here, with a US firm,

Eagle, but in terms of the supply of natural gas, we could perhaps purchase from

Qatar. There is an opportunity for us, from next year and onwards, because most of

the cruise ships will be powered by LNG and there’s no LNG terminal in the

Caribbean. So, we are aspiring to establish an LNG terminal here, and we would

like you to report to your capital about our offer, to see if the government of Qatar

or the private sector would wish to invest in a joint venture with the government to

establish an LNG terminal here,” PM Browne offered.

Prime Minister Browne also suggested to the Qatari ambassador that there could be

student exchanges between universities in the Middle Eastern country and the

University of the West Indies Five Islands Campus.

During a similar courtesy call on Foreign Affairs Minister, E. P. Chet Greene, the

minister used the opportunity to reach out to Qatar for assistance in Antigua and

Barbuda’s hosting of the Small Islands Developing States (SIDS) conference next


Greene noted that small island states are forced to deal with the consequences of

natural disasters that are made more destructive, because of the effects of climate

change. The meeting, he noted, will be an attempt by these states to arrive at

common positions to deal with the issue.

Ambassador Al-Abdulla gave his country’s commitment to work along with

Antigua and Barbuda in hosting the conference, even to the point of offering

technical assistance, as Qatar has much experience in hosting major events.

Foreign Affairs Minister Greene expressed his appreciation for the offer from the

Qatari ambassador. “We are grateful for the support of Qatar in hosting the

conference. We also note Qatar’s global leadership in the area of climate change

and so this meeting is very important for small island states. As we sit today, we

are watching a weather system that may affect us by the weekend. When we have

these weather systems affecting us they have a debilitating effect on our economy

and disruptions to our lives,” he noted.

The Qatari ambassador invited the Antigua and Barbuda government to detail its

several requests to his government in a formal request for which he promised a

speedy response.

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