One young man from Potters, Kish Jacobs has been hospitalized in critical
condition following an accident on Nugent Avenue on Sunday. According to
initial reports, Jacobs, who was riding his bicycle, was hit by a motorist driving a
sedan in the vicinity of the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP)
Headquarters. Reports suggest that he sustained a serious head injury.
The Antigua Barbuda Emergency Medical Services were called to the scene of the
accident and transported Jacobs to the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre.
The incident occurred sometime after 7:00 pm on Sunday night. Jacobs is now
hospitalized in critical condition.
Meanwhile, the police are continuing investigations into the circumstances that
resulted in the death of two men at a construction site.
It was reported that around 12:30 pm on Friday 26 May, a heavy-duty equipment
operator was carrying out work at a construction site at Windward Estate on
Pigeon Point Beach, when the machine apparently came in contact with a building
on which both men were working.
The building reportedly collapsed, causing injuries to a 36-year-old man of
American Road and a man from Ottos.
The Ottos man, who is believed to be in his mid-twenties was transported to the Sir
Lester Bird Medical Center by the Emergency Medical Services. He was
pronounced dead at 3:09 pm. The other worker was pronounced dead on the scene,
around 5:17 pm.
The Police Administration is expressing condolences to the families who are
mourning, as a result of this tragic incident.