Prime Minister Gaston Browne has expressed displeasure with the manner in
which countries such as Antigua and Barbuda and others in the Caribbean find
themselves placed on a so-called ‘black-list’ for non-compliance with the financial
standards set by the European Union and other entities.
Speaking in parliament on Monday, PM Browne was the unilateral manner in
which countries are placed on the black-list or the grey-list, is arbitrary, and
offensive as his preference would be for there to be dialogue between the
respective countries and the EU before such actions are taken.
“We have said consistently to the European Union that they should see countries as
a partner in these issues of fighting money-laundering, terrorism financing to
ensure tax transparency. This type of offensive approach in which in many
instances they take these measures without any dialogue, without any warning, that
you take punitive action and place you on a sanctioned list; that is totally
inappropriate,” he argued.
The prime minister noted that small states often lack the capacity to keep up-to-
date with the myriad of chances that the EU and others are demanding. He
suggested that often the EU may ‘flag’ and particular issue, whilst Antigua and
Barbuda may have a different interpretation, nonetheless the amendments are
made. He is recommending to the EU that it adopts a different approach to these
issues; one that focuses on cooperation rather than to be constantly taking punitive
“We have a common interest to fight money-laundering and terrorism financing.
So, we continue to advocate for that level of cooperation between countries like
ours and the EU. I have also noticed that there is a tendency to focus on small
states that are led by people of a certain ethnicity. When you look at these
countries in the Caribbean, they are poor and are run by black leaders. There are
those who harbour the view that black leaders are intrinsically corrupt. We have to
say these things because we have to determine what is driving this type of focus on
small states that are operated by black leaders,” he suggested.
The prime minister also suggested that in the larger countries are where many of
the things they are asking the Caribbean to adopt laws to fight, are happening in
many of those centres. “Why then are they targeting these small countries in the
Caribbean?” he asked rhetorically.