Home » Greene: Health Month a decade-long commitment

Greene: Health Month a decade-long commitment

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The annual observance of Health Month in the St. Paul constituency dates back to 2012 and serves as testimony to the commitment of the Member of Parliament, E. P. Chet Greene, to the health and well-being of the area’s residents.

Greene said he initiated the event while he served in the Senate, long before he became a member of the House of Representatives.

“Over the years, the programme has grown to include different aspects of health. Among them was the introduction of Water Day held each Wednesday during the month of October.

“Clearly, the intention is not only to provide water to the schools where residents are encouraged to drink water not just during the month, but to continue after as a lifestyle change,” he said.

Other areas of focus during the month have been matters related to senior citizens, health screenings for prostate and breast health, general health checks and support.

Greene added that the scale of Health Month this year has grown significantly.

“We are now operating from the St. Paul’s Empowerment Centre where we have more space, more control, so that we up the ante with the inclusion of vision health.

“We have engaged the services of OneSight, a foundation out of the United States which has sent a team of eyecare specialists to assist us with the eye clinic for the purpose of providing free eye-screening and eyeglasses for those who are in need,” he revealed.

Primary schools in the community have already benefited as hundreds of students have taken advantage of the free service.

The programme has been extended to students who attend the neighbouring All Saints Secondary School and the Irene B. Williams School which is in Swetes.

On Saturday, adults in the community will be able to have their eyes tested. Those requiring glasses will receive free eyewear after they are produced in the United States and brought back with the visiting OneSight team.

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