Home » Government and opposition join hands to address ‘grey/black’ listing

Government and opposition join hands to address ‘grey/black’ listing

by pointe team
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In a rare show of unity, the government and the opposition members of the House
of Representatives joined hands to pass legislation aimed at having Antigua and
Barbuda removed from the so-called ‘grey-list’ of countries deemed to be ‘not
fully’ compliant with the requirements of the international financial architecture.
Attorney General, Sir Steadroy Benjamin on Monday guided the House through
the debates on the several bills that the country needed to update in order to be
judged to be compliant leading to the eventual removal from the Grey-List.
During his presentation, Sir Steadroy made an appeal for support for the various
measures noting that they were not contentious but were designed to get Antigua
and Barbuda off the ‘grey list’ upon which it appeared in February this year.
“These amendments are being done to put Antigua and Barbuda in a position
where we can be removed from the ‘black-listing’. Indeed, my two main drafters
are now in Jamaica, and it was early this morning when they were sending me
further amendments suggested by the global partners who want to see our laws
correspond with theirs,” Sir Steadroy explained.
According to the government’s chief legal officer the country has no choice but to
go to parliament to update the relevant laws to comply with the requirements of the
international bodies such as the European Union.
“Let us get it done; they have a few days to go before they meet again, so let’s do it
so that no matter what they come with, we have to come here and make the
changes,” he emphasized.
He urged the entire house to deal with the matter responsibly, without politics, in
the interest of Antigua and Barbuda.
The member for St. John’s Rural West, Richard Lewis, and the member for
Barbuda, Trevor Walker, both spoke in favour of joining with the government in
making the changes so that Antigua and Barbuda could then be removed from the
The measures passed on Monday include; the Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill,
the Companies (Amendment) Bill and the mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
(Amendment) Bill, 2024.

The House also passed the Prevention of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill 2024, which
was introduced by Foreign Afairs Minister, E.P Chet Greene.

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