The month of May could very well be called centenarian month with the number of
people celebrating their 100 th birthday and higher during the month.
Ethel Charles of Liberta is the latest centenarian celebrating this month. Today,
May 24, is her 104 th birthday. Ethel Charles nee Grant was born in Willikies in
1919. After she married Lauchland Charles in 1938, she moved to Liberta Village,
where she still resides today. The marriage produced two daughters, Bernadeth
and Joycelyn, who describe their mother as “one of the most generous people we
know” – a sentiment echoed by many who know Mrs. Charles closely.
Affectionately known as Mother, Mother Charles, Comrade Charles, Sister Ethel,
and Nennen, Mrs. Charles was the “Local Village Nurse/Doctor” in Liberta at one
time, and she adopted and fostered many people in the community. She had a
passion for the arts and fervently believed that children should be provided with
the necessary tools and opportunities to develop their minds and talents. During the
formative years of the Antigua Trades and Labour Union (AT&LU), Comrade
Charles established the Juvenile Division in Liberta.
As a staunch supporter of the AT&LU, Mrs. Charles played a significant role in
rallying her Comrades and uniting the people of St. Paul’s to “Bring home the
seat,” during elections.
Mother Charles has always been involved in the Anglican Church and in 1940, she
joined the St. Paul’s/St. Barnabas Mothers’ Union (MU) where she was a highly
active and staunch member for more than 75 years.
Another centenarian celebrates today
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