by pointe team
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What is Praedial Larceny? Simply put it is the “theft of Agricultural produce”. While this practice
happens worldwide it is felt that it occurs more in the Caribbean region than elsewhere. It is perceived
that praedial larceny negatively impacts development and it is the main contributor to the undergrowth
of the Agricultural sector within the region.
Antigua and Barbuda is no exception to this crime and farmers through the years have been repeated
victims of the loss of the fruits of their labour such as their produce and ruminants. Additionally,
praedial larcenists have also illegally removed animal feeds, farm implements, and machinery, all of
which is a tremendous loss of time, investment, market, and revenue.
In the earlier part of 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) held a series of Praedial Larceny
Consultations that were not well attended by the farmers/producers in most districts. The main focuses
of these consultations were to:
 To engage the producers in discussions about their experiences.
 To review the existing legislation about Praedial Larceny.
 To make a list of suggested changes to be recommended for the revision of the legislation:
 To advise the producers on security measures and methods they could implement as a
deterrent and
 To develop a closer bond with the MOA and law enforcers in the quest on Praedial Larceny.
After the conclusion of the consultations, it was agreed and expected that the Praedial Larceny
Subcommittee chaired by Mr. Martin Cave, would submit a list of proposed
solutions/recommendations on financial recourses and penalties applicable for this crime.
Moreover, It is anticipated that these recommendations would be considered for the revision of
the existing legislation or newly created legislation which hopefully would replace the 1954
legislation which is currently in use.
It was discovered, that besides being very antiquated, there were quite a few omissions, making
the legislation inadequate and not properly addressing many issues. The Ministry of Agriculture
is cognizant of this and hopes very shortly, with the revised legislation enacted and enforced
Praedial Larceny would be down-graded or be a thing of the past.

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