Home » UWI FIC says job fair was a ‘success’

UWI FIC says job fair was a ‘success’

by pointe team
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The University of the West Indies (UWI) Five Islands Campus hosted its inaugural
job fair on Thursday April 11th. The event provided a unique platform for students
to engage with prominent local and regional companies as well as explore exciting
career opportunities.
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal, Professor C. Justin Robinson,
welcomed representatives from participating companies including Grant Thornton,
BDO, Sandals, APUA, State Insurance Limited, The Eastern Caribbean Central
Bank, Anjo's, ACT, and Epicurean Ltd. In his opening remarks, Professor
Robinson emphasised the importance of fostering strong partnerships between
academia and industry. He expressed his confidence that the job fair would lead to
meaningful connections and valuable career pathways for UWI Five Islands
students. He also reaffirmed the support of the campus in fostering relationships
with the corporate sector in other areas such as research and development.
Throughout the event, students engaged in lively discussions, learned about
company cultures, and explored internship and employment possibilities. Students
were able to present their cover letters and resumes to companies and sign up for
summer internships.
Assistant Registrar for Student Support and Success, Jenifer Hughes, noted that
there was an excellent turn out from the students of the campus. She noted that the
event was a collaboration between the Student Support and Success Unit and the
School of Business and Management and was the culmination of the World of
Work Programme hosted by the unit in Semester Two (II).
The UWI Five Islands Campus remains committed to empowering its students and
bridging the gap between education and employment with events such as the job
fair. The success of the 2024 job fair underscores the campus’ dedication to
fostering a vibrant and dynamic learning environment for citizens of Antigua and
Barbuda and the wider OECS region.

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