Home » The Minister of Culture calls for embracing technologies as tools to enhance and preserve cultural expression

The Minister of Culture calls for embracing technologies as tools to enhance and preserve cultural expression

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The Antigua and Barbuda minister responsible for culture wants to see Caribbean
small island developing states (SIDS) embrace the technologies of the 4 th Industrial
Revolution to preserve, enhance and to benefit from the cultural expressions of the
Minister for Creative Industries, Daryll Matthew made the call when he spoke on
the topic: The Role of Technology-driven Artistic Expression in Cultural
Tourism, Cultural Valorization and Cultural Institutions in Caribbean SIDS
held as one of the side events associated with this week’s Fourth International
Conference of SIDS taking place here in Antigua and Barbuda.
The minister observed that technologies are transforming societies the world over.
“This era of rapid technological advancement offers unprecedented opportunities
for cultural tourism, cultural valorization, and cultural institutions, especially in
Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS). By integrating technology-
driven artistic expression, our small island nations can enhance the cultural
landscape, preserve heritage, and stimulate economic growth, while navigating the
unique challenges posed by our geographic and economic contexts,” he stated.
According to Minister Matthew one area where the new cutting-edge technologies
can be exploited for the overall benefits of Caribbean SIDS is in the area of
cultural tourism. Already, he noted, this is a vital component of the Caribbean
economy, attracting visitors drawn to our region’s rich cultural heritage, vibrant
arts, and historical significance.
The culture minister also identified three of these new technologies and the ways
they are changing how cultural artifacts may be enjoyed. The technologies of
which he spoke are virtual reality (VR) virtual reality (VR), augmented reality
(AR), and artificial intelligence (AI), which revolutionize how cultural experiences
are delivered and consumed.
“VR and AR can create immersive experiences that allow tourists to engage deeply
with Caribbean culture. For instance, VR can recreate historical events like the
Haitian Revolution or Bryan Lara’s world record cricketing exploits here in
Antigua and Barbuda, offering tourists a visceral understanding and appreciation of

these significant moments. AR can enhance physical tours of cultural sites,
overlaying historical narratives, 3D reconstructions, and multimedia content onto
real-world environments,” he explained.
He then went to highlight AI and how this technology can shape how visitors’
experiences can be made fuller. “AI and data analytics can personalize the tourist
experience. By analyzing visitor preferences and behaviors, AI can recommend
tailored cultural itineraries, ensuring that tourists engage with experiences that
resonate most with their interests,” Matthew detailed.
The minister emphasized that the integration of technology into artistic expression
and cultural heritage initiatives in Caribbean SIDS has significant economic
implications. “Cultural tourism, enhanced by technology, generates revenue and
creates jobs, contributing to the overall economic development of the region,” he
Despite the many benefits of the new technologies, the minister cautioned that
there are some challenges. He identified these to include access to technology and
digital literacy as significant barriers, particularly in rural and underserved
communities. Ensuring equitable access to technology and providing digital
education are essential for inclusive cultural development, he suggested.
Additionally, he wants the see steps taken to ensure Caribbean artists, especially
those with barrier to the full integration, are properly compensated for their

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