Home » The Antigua and Barbuda Youth Symphony Orchestra Inspired!!!

The Antigua and Barbuda Youth Symphony Orchestra Inspired!!!

by pointe team
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Patrons attending last Saturday’s Antigua and Barbuda Youth Symphony Orchestra
(ABYSO) and the Kanneh-Masons ‘Playing to Inspire 5’ concert, held at the St.
John’s Pentecostal House of Restoration Church on Lauchland Benjamin Drive,
have come away not only inspired but fully entertained as well.
Under the directorship of guest conductor, Tom Fetherstonhaugh, the concert
showcased the Kanneh-Masons, ABYSO, and special guests performing a variety
of musical pieces, ranging from some of the masters of classical music such as
Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, and Handel, also traditional Antigua and
Barbuda folklore music and a special arrangement of Bob Marley’s Redemption
In the mix of all this were special performances from saxophonist Jess Gillam of
the United Kingdom who has been described as a ‘musical force of nature.’ She
thrilled the audience with her special selections, and no one will be surprised if she
is invited to return for next year’s presentation.
The concert would not be complete without performances from the Kanneh-
Masons. The six siblings who were present performed two beautiful pieces; and as
always, it was a joy to watch, listen, and enjoy.
Another of the special guests was Antigua and Barbuda’s own Zahra Lake on pan,
who featured prominently in the “There’s no place like home’ medley of
traditional songs.
Three musicians from the Dominican Republic – Nicole Rodriguez, Jesus Cabrera,
and Elliot Rodriguez – also performed with ABYSO during the concert as part of a
special arrangement between the orchestra and the Young Musicians of the
Caribbean programme.
During the evening, the junior section of ABYSO also performed a special
It was perhaps fitting that the night’s musical journey came to a climactic end with
the performance of Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus which also featured the Inspire
Choir. Some members of the audience could not contain themselves but found
themselves singing along with this much-beloved anthem.

Several announcements at the end of the performances related to the future of
ABYSO. Firstly, Prime Minister Gaston Browne declared that the government has
decided to increase its annual subvention from $50,000 to $75,000.00.
Additionally, he said the Hadeed Family, represented by Ambassador Aziz Hadeed
at the concert, has decided to donate a parcel of land to ABYSO for the
construction of its headquarters. The government has also pledged to assist with
the construction of the home for ABYSO.
Finally, the government will proceed with the transformation of the former Deluxe
Cinema building into the nation’s performing arts centre, as part of the ‘cultural
infrastructure’ of the country.

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