The Soup Kitchen, the facility that serves hot meals to the less fortunate of society,
has received a donation from a business entity to help it carry out its mandate.
The presentation of a cheque for $4,000.00 was made to the founder of the Soup
Kitchen, Inspector Veldon Raggette, by the management and staff of Sky Tiger, an
Internet Gaming company that operates out of Canada Place on Lauchland
Benjamin Drive.
“Every day in the land of the living is a blessing, but some days stand out as truly
exceptional. Today is one of those days, thanks to the incredible management and
staff at Sky Tiger. A heartfelt thank you for their generous donation, sponsorship,
and for facilitating the sharing of today's meal,” Raggette remarked.
Raggette also expressed appreciation, on behalf of his team, to the talented chefs at
Green Apple Cafe in Five Islands as well as the in-house chef, Sasha James.
The menu for the special meal served on Thursday at the Soup Kitchen was ham,
turkey, chicken, fish, rice, pasta, fried dumplings, bread pudding, steamed
vegetables, and green salad.