Home » Relief is coming for road users in the country

Relief is coming for road users in the country

by pointe team
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The government will soon roll out a major road improvement programme that will
bring much relief to vehicle drivers and other road users in the country.
On Wednesday, a team from the Ministry of Works was invited to share with
members the plans and programmes they have in store to improve the several
major and secondary roads in the country.

“The team provided Cabinet with a 10-minute video displaying the strength of the
concrete it wishes to utilize when constructing roads in Antigua and Barbuda. The
new methodology is expected to last for 30 years as the strength of the concrete
measures more than 400 psi after 7 days,” the Cabinet Notes have reported.
It said the Public Works team has identified roads in each of the 6 parishes and
intends, in the first phase, to lay down 2,700 feet of road in each Parish.
The requirement for each community road would be identified in order to
determine the method to be used in its repair.
According to the Notes…major roadways would utilize “the roller-compacted
concrete” system, and community roads will be paved using the double chip seal
Work in each community will begin immediately after April 30 th , when all
preparation for roadways required for the SIDS conference (May 27– 30) are
The Ministry of Works team had previously visited the Cabinet to explain the new
methodology it hopes to employ in road construction and repairs in the future. That
new system goes into effect in roughly 60-plus days.

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