Home » No cause for public alarm over crime

No cause for public alarm over crime

by pointe team
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Antigua and Barbuda still enjoys one of the lowest crime rates in the entire
Caribbean despite the recent upsurge in several categories of criminal behavior,
and there is no need for ‘public hysteria’ over the notion that crime is spiraling out
of control.
That’s the view of Prime Minister Gaston Browne who said there are elements in
the country who have been portraying the country as crime-ridden, despite all
evidence to the contrary.
“I noticed that there is a deliberate attempt by members of the opposition to
accentuate the level of crime and violence in the country to create an element of
fear. No, we only have one homicide so far, compared with an average in the
single digits over the last nine years, and when compared with other countries
within the OECS it is minuscule as they have 30, 40 or even 70 per year,” he
Against this backdrop, and accepting that one homicide is one too many, the prime
minister asked, how could anyone reasonably say that crime in Antigua and
Barbuda is getting out of control when there is no evidence to support it.
“Relative to what is happening in other countries, how can anyone argue that crime
and violence are higher in Antigua and Barbuda than in other countries of the
OECS? In fact, Antigua and Barbuda remains one of the safest places,” he
According to PM Browne whilst last year there were ten homicides, there was as
much hysteria then, as there is now with a single homicide so far.

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