Home » Ministry of Trade launches National Trade Council

Ministry of Trade launches National Trade Council

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The Ministry of Trade has formally launched the country’s National Trade Council
(NTC) which will serve as a critical body developing trade policy strategies as well
as act as an advisory body to the minister as well as to the Cabinet.
The formal launch took place at a function held at the conference of the new
Antigua Port Authority Building at the Deep Water Harbour.
Trade Minister, E.P Chet Greene, who delivered the feature address, described the
exercise as ‘a fulfillment of a vision’; a vision to coalesce all the varied talents and
interests into a single unit; giving greater focus and importance on the trade
architecture of the country.
He added as the nation resets the ‘clock’ post-COVID, he is of the view that the
launch exercise of the NTC is of quintessential importance in moving the national
economy forward. He described the creation of the NTC as ‘a seminal moment’ in
the nation’s history.
Greene added that the NTC is intended to be the nucleus of all things trade, in
Antigua and Barbuda. “The mere composition of the Council shows the
seriousness on the part of the government to bring all trade and trade-related
experts and issues into a single forum, so that the Council provides for me, as the
minister, advice. Advisory capacity is among the remit of the NTC. Not only do I
need the council now because of the expanded ministerial responsibilities, but I
need it more because of the challenges, local, regional, and even international
challenges we face,” he stated.
Greene noted that the challenges of climbing out from COVID, to climate change
and the world financial system, are what he termed ‘sound reasons’ for the creation
of the NTC.
An overview of the NTC was provided by Senior Trade Policy Analyst, Nasel
Phillip-Samuel who noted that the Cabinet in July agreed to the establishment/
formation of the National Trade Council and the Inter-Ministerial Trade Cabinet
The National Trade Council, she added, aims to provide centralized technical
guidance and synchronized advice in matters relating to trade.

She highlighted the purpose of the NTC as follows:
The purpose of the National Trade Council is to: –
1. Facilitate the coordination, implementation, and monitoring of detailed trade
policy, technical advice, and recommendations to the Inter-Ministerial Trade
Cabinet Group (IMTCG).
2. The National Trade Council shall act as a consultative and coordinating
resourceful body aimed at tracking/following trade-related issues,
challenges, and opportunities, at all levels, which may have a direct or
indirect impact on Antigua and Barbuda.
3. Additionally, the Council will provide the opportunity for all agencies to
contribute to the formulation and implementation of trade policies and
4. Provide a forum for stakeholder consultation, dialogue, engagement, and
analysis, among governmental policymakers, on trade-related policies and
their implementation and effect. This will in turn aid in maximizing potential
benefits for the expansion of the local economy
5. Improve collaboration and cooperation with all stakeholders concerned and
provide national co-ordination for achieving trade-related goals, standards,
and initiatives
6. Consider and monitor prudent trade-related strategies and reforms whilst
assessing their impact in enhancing and strengthening national policy
7. Further enhance national collaboration to build an organized and integrated
national trade environment.
8. Discuss common challenges arising from current national, regional, and
international trade-related issues affecting Antigua and Barbuda’s capacity
and potential to effectively capitalize and function as a trading partner while

at the same time seeking opportunities, investment and otherwise, to address
these challenges.
9. Review and recommend legislative changes to the legal instruments
governing the conduct of trade, commercial, business and industrial policies
in Antigua and Barbuda.
10. Advise the Ministry and the IMTCG on approaches to enhancing
entrepreneurship, innovation and small business competitiveness,
sustainability and incentivisation.

11. To actively pursue donor agencies and seek out financing and partnership
engagements to aid in business development of MSME’s and all other trade-
related pursuits.

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