The Lions Club of Antigua has been giving great service to the community for
decades. The quarterly visits to the Clarevue Mental Hospital occur in December,
March, June and September of each year. During these visits, the residents receive
hot lunches donated by the Lions Club.
Vision Screening is a signature service project to the community of Antigua. This
event took place recently, at the end of March 2023 where primary school children
had an opportunity to participate in the vision screening; some received eyeglasses
donated by the Lions Club.
Hot meals are also sponsored weekly by the Lions Club. It is an on-going service,
mainly to the senior citizens that are shut-ins and the visually impaired at the
Industrial Workshop.
The hot meals are prepared at the Zion Church of God on North Street.
Appreciation is expressed to Lion Septimus Rhudd MJF, Lion Larry Defreitas,
Lion Alan Hosam MJF and Lion Bobby Reis MJF for sponsoring hot meals for the
month of March and April. The meals are collected and distributed weekly by
Lions Reginald Peterson MJF, Lion Gladston Joseph MJF, Lion Cathia
Christopher and Lion Nakitia Williams.