Home » Janice Samuel HMP Resident Tops Lifelong Learning Unit The UWI FIC Course

Janice Samuel HMP Resident Tops Lifelong Learning Unit The UWI FIC Course

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Janice Samuel resident of His Majesty’s Prison in Antigua and Barbuda is the Top

Student in the Lifelong Learning Unit, The UWI FIC course, Digital

Transformation of the Financial Sector.


Upon learning of her success, Samuel was overcome with emotion. “I am surprised

and happy to receive this news. I must admit that from among the many courses

Digital Transformation of the Financial Sector was not my first choice. Although it

was initially challenging, similar to other areas of my life, when things seem

difficult, I engage my best effort to overcome hurdles so that I can achieve a

successful finish”.


Samuel now plans to transfer the skills and knowledge gleaned through the

programme to her colleagues in the penal institution. It is believed that this attitude

of camaraderie and humility will serve her well when she reenters society and

establishes her entrepreneurial ventures.


Superintendent of Prisons, Colonel Trevor Pennyfeather welcomed the

announcement and stated that, “Each person has a right to a second chance. The

courses are strengthening our rehabilitation programme and preparing inmates for

life within the prison and in the wider society. We appreciate the opportunities

being presented through the University of The West Indies Five Islands Campus”.


The Lifelong Learning Unit was established in 2021. Through its Seeds of Hope

Programme, residents of His Majesty’s Prison are offered scholarships to

participate in professional development courses. Easier access to continuous

education has created a pathway for a number of inmates to increase knowledge,

improve skills and earn Certificates of Proficiency.


The Executive Director of the Lifelong Learning Unit, Paula C. M. Lee applauded

the efforts of Samuel and all the students who have chosen to study through The

University of the West Indies Five Islands Campus. She acknowledged that,

“Through learning, families and communities can earn higher incomes and


improve their quality of life. Through learning curious minds can discover and

invent. Through learning more people can build and preserve generational



Currently, more than 120 students are enrolled in Quarter 1 courses. “Increasingly

barriers that have restricted access to learning and development are being removed.

We therefore urge working adults across the OECS to register for 2024

professional development courses. The Lifelong Learning Unit is committed to

training individuals to participate in the evolving global job market, Lee observed.

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