Home » Information Minister speaks of the positives and negatives of new technologies

Information Minister speaks of the positives and negatives of new technologies

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Information and Technology Minister, Honorable Melford Nicholas, says he

welcomes the application of new technologies and the positive impact this has had

on the media landscape the world over.

He shared with delegates attending the 54 th General Assembly of the Caribbean

Broadcasting Union (CBU), that he was at the vanguard of the adoption of new

technologies in the Caribbean that made it easier for companies and entities to

communicate with each other, regionally and globally.

He noted that new technologies have made it possible for streaming platforms to

broadcast events of international interest, here in Antigua and Barbuda, worldwide.

He gave an example of the role the general manager of ABS – Erna-Mae

Brathwaite played when she used her cell phone to broadcast Prince Harry’s visit

to Antigua via Facebook. That act catapulted ABS as a major streaming entity

across the region.

“Technology has been an enabler and we have seen the emergence of other facets

of the media market. Some have been helpful and some have not been so helpful,”

he observed.

The minister, however, noted that the technologies also come with serious

downsides. For example, he referenced the coming into being of several online

platforms, that pretend that they are purveying news. He added that the operators

have not had the benefit of professional training yet seek to attract advertising

revenue. He nonetheless questioned their commitment to the ideals and standards

of the profession.

“I have seen a number of new media sprout up and they do not commit to search

for truth. Many take the opportunity to use their platforms to vilify persons and use

their platforms to advance their own political ideologies. We have to be mindful

that the technology has allowed this to happen,” Nicholas stated.

According to Minister Nicholas, the technology allowed these entities to operate,

and he is asking the delegates to consider these issues when they sit down for their

serious deliberations.

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