Home » Indian Diaspora celebrates Independence Day

Indian Diaspora celebrates Independence Day

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August 15, 2023, marked the 77 th anniversary of India’s attainment of political

independence from Britain.

To mark the occasion, members of the Indian diaspora here in Antigua and

Barbuda joined the Honorary Consul for India to St. John’s, Vijay Tewani in

celebrating the occasion with what he termed ‘much enthusiasm,’ at a Flag-raising

ceremony held at his residence in Crosbies.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne expressed congratulations to his Indian

counterpart, Narendra Modi, as he recognized the huge strides India has taken in

all spheres of human endeavor.

The full text of the prime minister’s message reads:

“Dear Prime Minister,

On behalf of the Government and people of Antigua and Barbuda, I extend my

heartiest congratulations to you, the Government, and people of the Republic of

India, on this joyous occasion of the Anniversary of Independence.

Over the years, the Republic of India has made remarkable progress in various

fields, including technology, education, and healthcare. It has also emerged as a

global leader in many sectors, earning respect and admiration around the world.

India has been and continues to be a valuable partner of Antigua and Barbuda and

the wider CARICOM region.

Additionally, your nation’s efforts in the strengthening of South-South relations are

a testament to the global stewardship, required to promote unity and prosperity for

all. As you celebrate today, may you all be inspired by those who came before you

and work diligently toward the future for the continued development of your

nation. Once again, Prime Minister, congratulations, and please accept the

assurances of my highest consideration.

Gaston Browne MP

Prime Minister”


The Honorary Consul noted that the occasion served to highlight the strong

connections between India and Antigua and Barbuda, showcasing the vibrant

culture of the Indian diaspora in the Caribbean region.

Consul Tewani expressed gratitude to the government and people of Antigua and

Barbuda for their continued support and longstanding friendship.

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