Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin has sought to clear the air regarding a ruling
by a High Court judge last week, that is being used to suggest that the government
will soon be saddled with huge legal fees.
The matter involved the case where a man has been charged under the Sexual
Offences Act and where the defense attorney argued that the charge was null and
void, as the matter was brought by the police prosecution team without the written
consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions, as prescribed by the Criminal
Prosecutions Services Act of 2017.
The magistrate dismissed the claim, but the High Court judge ruled in the
accused’s favour last week.
According to the Attorney General, some lawyers have appeared on a weekend
radio programme claiming that the government will have to pay large sums of
money to persons similarly charged.
However, he explained that the matter is not yet complete. That the High Court
judge’s decision has not yet come down in written form, but most certainly the
government will appeal her ruling.
He said there’s no need for public alarm on the issue and that the public should not
He explained that the matter may take some time to be fully resolved but that in the
interim, the status quo remains.