Home » Antigua and Barbuda government reaffirms its commitment to press freedom

Antigua and Barbuda government reaffirms its commitment to press freedom

by pointe team
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Antigua and Barbuda government says it is committed to press freedom, noting
that as a responsible, transparent government it sees as its role, to protect and
preserve the cherished freedoms of expression, and of the media.
These sentiments were expressed on Monday night by Acting Prime Minister
Steadroy Benjamin speaking at the opening of the 54 th General Assembly of the
Caribbean Broadcasting Union being held at the Royalton Hotel.
“We have always shown respect for the work of the Fourth Estate, and we know
that journalism is the oxygen of democracy. We note the OECS’s slide from #55 to
#93 in the most recent World Press Freedom ranking from ‘Reporters Without
Borders.’ While I do not want to throw any of our sub-regional colleagues under
the bus, we are confident that Antigua and Barbuda’s efforts have enhanced, not
inhibited media freedoms.
“So to paraphrase the words of Shaggy, “…it wasn’t us!” he exclaimed.
The Acting Prime Minister drew attention to the government’s recent moves to
remove from the books legislations that many in journalism felt were a hindrance
to their work.
“We have not only talked the talk, but we have walked the walk. We have passed
progressive legislation in the area of defamation, bringing an anachronistic
legislative framework that disaggregated libel and slander, in line with modern
jurisprudence; Section 6 of our Defamation Act, 2015 makes that provision.
And we have made sure also, that criminal libel is not on our law books. This can
be found in Section 7 of the same Act – the Defamation Act, 2015,” he noted.
Benjamin credits the administration for its openness in hosting a weekly post-
Cabinet press briefing where it fields questions from journalists. “It is to our credit
that we have stayed the course, despite the odds. As the adage goes, we have
“faced the music,” even if that “music” comes in the form of incessant social
media attacks, at a time when ‘cancel culture’ is the preferred route for some,” he

The Acting Prime Minister used the opportunity to address wider issues affecting
the journalism fraternity, noting for example, that the administration has therefore
been keenly aware of the issues facing the media.
“The region’s media is gathering here in Antigua not only at a time of increasing
challenges to responsible journalism but also a time rich and ripe with promise and
“Rapid advances in technology including Artificial Intelligence, and increasingly
intense competition from social media platforms, plus the pernicious rise of
misinformation and disinformation, hang like the Sword of Damocles over media
outlets. It is a world in flux, where nothing is as constant as change,” he observed.
However, the acting Prime Minister holds the view that where there is adversity,
there is also opportunity.
“This is the time for innovation, digitalization, and transformation among all
sectors, and media is no different.
I agree with Reporters Without Borders when it says, ‘The unprecedented ability
to tamper with content is being used to undermine those who embody quality
journalism and weaken journalism itself,” he stated.

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