Home » Accident victim gets help from Calvin Ayre Foundation

Accident victim gets help from Calvin Ayre Foundation

by pointe team
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Another accident survivor, Andy Edwards, who was involved in a near-fatal
vehicular accident some four months ago, is the latest recipient of the generosity of
the Calvin Ayre Foundation
According to media reports, a truck was heading west on the highway and
attempted to overtake, but lost control and collided with Edwards’ vehicle, which
was traveling in the opposite direction.
The reports say the 48-year-old self-employed bus driver’s legs were pinned under
the dashboard, resulting in severe injuries to both his legs. Due to the severity of
his injuries, he was advised by doctors at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center to
seek orthopedic surgery overseas.
According to CAF’s Media Relations Specialist, Jamilla Kirwan, in addition to
education, sports, and social development, one of CAF’s giving pillars is
emergency response. She added that the cost of a medical air ambulance always
poses an extreme challenge for most people who find themselves in unfortunate
circumstances such as this.
“Andy’s flight was a little over US$40,000,” she explained. “I can just imagine
how daunting it must have been to be under such intense pain and still have to
consider where the money for airlift would come from.”
According to Kirwan, Andy was accepted by a medical facility in the Cayman
Islands, where he will undergo orthopedic surgery.
“We are pleased to have assisted Andy with this gift of restoring his mobility,”
Kirwan said. “In fact, he was airlifted right in time for the September 25 th
acceptance deadline.”

On behalf of the Calvin Ayre Foundation and Ambassador Calvin Ayre, Kirwan
extends continued prayers to Andy Edwards during this challenging time.

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