Home » SIDS4 volunteers receive certificates of appreciation

SIDS4 volunteers receive certificates of appreciation

by pointe team
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More than two hundred persons who volunteered their time and efforts to work
along with delegations attending the Fourth International Conference of Small
Island Developing States (SIDS4) were presented with Certificates of Appreciation
at a special function held in their honour on Tuesday night.
The event took the form of a cocktail reception held at the historic Dows Hill
Interpretation Centre.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, E.P Chet Greene thanked the volunteers for the
exemplary manner in which they performed their various roles interacting with the
At the end of the four-day conference, held from May 27 to 30 at the American
University of Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda has been showered with much praise
for a successful hosting of the event and many persons singled out the role of the
volunteers for the overall success of the conference.
Greene also expressed thanks to the volunteers on behalf of the Prime Minister,
Gaston Browne, and the entire Cabinet, all of whom have reported on the many
positive comments that they have received concerning the exceptional work of the
During the reception, along with the presentation of certificates, special awards
were presented to a number of individuals who went beyond the call of duty in
their interactions with the guests.
These individuals are;
ï‚· Ricardo Nedd for Resourcefulness,
ï‚· Amar Singh for working despite of injury,
ï‚· Ewarla Piper as a good all-rounder,
ï‚· JoHann Joseph for being a good team player,
ï‚· Kelvin Laurent for being a good Ambassador,
ï‚· Keisha Philips for flexibility,
ï‚· Latifa Green an AUA Onsite Usher was awarded for the brightest and
warmest smile.
Chief Protocol Officer, Karen Cabrall, who was responsible for the recruitment and
training of the volunteers was also presented with a special award and gift for her

role in preparing and coordination this very important aspect of the hosting of the
conference. Cabrall who was personally thanked by the Foreign Minister for
outstanding work, expressed deep appreciation to Volunteer Coordinator, Anika
Kentish, as well as Lorna Mae Hughes, Debbie Davis, Cordice Concierge and
Vineesha Charles for their invaluable support.

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