Home » March is Education Month

March is Education Month

by pointe team
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The Ministry of Education is observing Education Month during the month of
March as it uses this platform to highlight developments taking place in this critical
area of national development.
Director of Education, Clare Browne said each year, Education Month is observed
where the ministry invites the general public to pay close attention to the many
developments taking place within the education system.
“We use the month to highlight what we are doing in education although some of
the activities are held each year. For example, during the month we will conduct
training for our new teachers. We will also host our very popular International
College Fair slated for March 5,” he revealed.
The month of activities begins March first with officials of the ministry engaging
with the media in interviews etc.
This year, there are two events that Director Browne said he wants to especially
highlight; these are the interschool garden competition and the observance of
World Mathematics Day.
“The Interschool Garden competition is currently taking place with the judging set
for March 11-15 on Antigua and March 18 on Barbuda. There are fifteen schools
taking part in the competition. On March 26 there will be an Expo where the
produce from these gardens will be n display. The other event we wish to highlight
is the World Mathematics Day on March 14 when we will host a public forum on
mathematics,” he stated.
The official start of Education Month takes place on Monday with a church service
at the St. John’s Pentecostal House of Restoration. During the service, a student
from the Antigua Grammar School will deliver the message. Education Minister,
Daryll Matthew is slated to bring welcome remarks but outside of that the entire
service will be conducted by young people.

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