Home » Antigua and Barbuda takes lead role on OAS declaration

Antigua and Barbuda takes lead role on OAS declaration

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condemning Russia’s continued war against Ukraine
The Organisation of American States (OAS) has adopted an Antigua and Barbuda
declaration condemning Russia for its continued war against Ukraine which on
Saturday (February 24) marks the two-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of
Ukrainian sovereign territory.
The declaration was introduced by Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the
OAS, Sir Ron Sanders at a Regular Session of the OAS Permanent Council in
Washington this week.
The declaration, entitled "Two Years on from the Russian Federation's Invasion of
Ukraine” was supported by 25 of the voting members of the Council. “I am
honoured, Mr. Chairman, because I am undertaking a noble task on behalf of the
overwhelming majority of the OAS member states, which have been prepared to
strongly support a declaration that stands up for international law, for peace and for
respect for human rights,” Sir Ron said in his introductory remarks.
He observed that on February 24 it will be two years since the Russian Federation
undermined the foundations of global peace and security by invading the sovereign
territory of Ukraine.
“The repercussions of this act of aggression have reverberated around the world,
sparing no nation from its consequences, and eroding the trust and cooperation
upon which our international order is built.
“But none has suffered as much as the people of Ukraine, millions of whom have
been forced to flee their country abandoning their homes and separating from their
“Women have endured degradation and humiliation as many were raped and in
contravention of international humanitarian law and even the rules of war as
established in Geneva conventions,” he detailed.
According to Sir Ron the invasion of Ukraine has not only caused untold human
suffering; it has unleashed a dangerous precedent, emboldening tyrants to act in
similar fashion and undermining the collective security mechanisms designed to
protect all peoples, especially the most vulnerable and powerless among nations.

“In the spirit of solidarity and commitment to the principles and values that define
us, 25 of the 32 voting member states of this organization – more than two thirds of
our membership – have lent their names to this declaration.
This collective action sends a resolute message that the majority of OAS member
states stand in firm condemnation of the invasion and the ongoing violations
perpetrated against the Ukrainian people,” he added.
The declaration, he explained, is a testament to the OAS’ continuing solidarity
with the people of Ukraine who, have suffered death, destruction and
Meanwhile, Ukraine Permanent Observer to the OAS, Ambassador Oksana
Markarova, has thanked the OAS for its unwavering support for her country during
this time of Russian aggression and she especially singled out Antigua and
Barbuda for her commendation for its support and for moving the declaration
before the OAS Permanent Council.

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