Home » A special business forum to form part of SIDS conference

A special business forum to form part of SIDS conference

by pointe team
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The SIDS Global Business Network (SIDS-GBN) Forum 2024 will be held from
May 25-26, 2024 in St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda, as the premier event that
bridges the private sector and Small Island Developing States to forge partnerships
for the next decade of action for SIDS.
To bring the voice of the private sector into the Fourth International Conference on
SIDS (SIDS4), the Outcomes of the Forum will feature in discussions at a
dedicated private sector roundtable during SIDS4.
The Forum will explore key themes such as blue-green growth, community
empowerment, the enabling business environment, as well as financing and
investment. Participants will have the chance to network with leaders and experts
from various sectors, showcase partnerships achievements and insights, and learn
from best practices and success stories from around the world.
Whether you are a business owner, an investor, a policy maker, or a researcher,
you will find valuable insights and connections at the Forum.
The SIDS-GBN Forum 2024 will be held as a special event to the SIDS4
Conference. Participants do not need special accreditation to attend the SIDS-GBN
Forum. However, special accreditation is required to attend the SIDS4 Conference.
Please register for the SIDS-GBN Forum here. The deadline for registration is 30
April 2024.
A thorough preparatory process with webinars, consultations and knowledge
products will inform the agenda of the Forum and set the direction for the next
decade of the SIDS-GBN. The next preparatory webinar will take place on
Thursday February 29 from 1pm.

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