Health and Environment Minister, Sir Molwyn Joseph, has officially launched
Arbor Month, 2023 calling Antigua and Barbuda a trailblazer, regionally and
internationally, when it comes to taking action that would lead to the protection of
the environment.
Speaking at the launch ceremony at the Environment Division’s lawn on Monday,
Sir Molwyn said one such area was the decision to eliminate the use of single-use
plastics and Styrofoam.
“There was much controversy when we decided to ban single-use plastics. The
critics said it could not be done, however, we proceeded nonetheless and we
succeeded. Now, these products have virtually been eliminated from the country.
“Who would have thought that the success of Antigua and Barbuda would have
inspired other countries to the point that three years ago, I was invited to Kenya to
share our experiences with the government and people of that African country?
This has also started a process where there will be a United Nations Treaty for all
nations to adopt programmes to eliminate single-use plastic bags, Sir Molwyn
He emphasized that this was highly inspired and influenced by Antigua and
Barbuda. The Environment Minister said this achievement is one that the entire
nation should applaud, as it is not an achievement of the politicians, but an
achievement by the people themselves. He added that an officer of the department
is now in Kenya working on the final text of the document that will go before the
UN for adoption.
Sir Molwyn said the successes with the elimination of single-use plastic bags go
even further, as there are plans to set up a plant to recycle all plastics here, in
Antigua and Barbuda.
“Next year, we hope to establish in Antigua and Barbuda a plastic recycling
facility where the whole cycle of recycling will take place. Under that project, the
plastics we now send to Mexico will be processed here in Antigua and Barbuda
and what we will do is that we will make chairs, tables, and other such items from
the discarded plastics,” he indicated.
Other achievements include getting Redonda declared a World Heritage Site, a
drainage project in the McKinnons and Cashew Hill Areas, as well as the
retrofitting of 10 churches, to make them better suited to serve as hurricane shelters
in times of disasters.
On Arbor Day, November 24, the department will distribute over 10 thousand fruit
trees to residents, but Sir Molwyn is urging the department to double the amount
with a second distribution planned for some time in January.
He said the planting of trees is part of efforts to preserve the environment. The
theme for Arbor Day, 2023, is: Is Sustaining Our Roots, Cultivating Our
Future, Let’s Get Ready.