Home » AT&LU outgoing president Wigley George: I made an impact!

AT&LU outgoing president Wigley George: I made an impact!

by pointe team
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The outgoing president of the Antigua Trades and Labour Union (AT&LU),
Wigley George, is stepping down from the post after serving for 28 years. He held
this position longer than anyone else, including Father of the Nation, National
Hero, V.C. Bird.
George announced his departure on Sunday when the AT&LU gathered at the 84 th
annual delegates’ conference. The oldest trade union in Antigua and Barbuda has
elected six presidents in its long and storied history. V.C. Bird served for twenty-
five years, while George served for 28. In his announcement, George stated that
despite numerous calls for him to stay on longer in the post, he felt that it was time
to relinquish the presidency in favour of someone else.
“I feel comfortable about my contributions to the union where I first served as a
field officer, then general secretary and later as president. I helped the union
negotiate many increases for workers in the public sector, including once getting a
100 per cent increase for some categories of wage earners. I have had many
‘battles’ with the government of the day, but all in favour of better wages and
conditions for wages,” George recalled.
The AT&LU has had a symbiotic relationship with the Antigua and Barbuda
Labour Party, however, even when the ABLP formed the government there has
been friction between the party and the AT&LU. George said despite these
frictions over the years, he has helped to maintain the bonds of unity between
union and party.
“I have been able to keep the union strong while at the same time perfecting the
relationship between the two organisations’, Labour Movement,” he declared.
George said he feels that the union is in capable hands with Alrick Daniel as
General Secretary and Bernard DeNully, the newly elected President.
“Even as I am leaving, the union is in a good place as we have agreed to a 14 per
cent increase for non-established workers. The workers have already received a
five per cent increase and there is a nine per cent increase outstanding. This is
backdated for several years which means that there will be back-pay pending,” he

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