Home » The PABRO Donates to Parham Clinic

The PABRO Donates to Parham Clinic

by pointe team
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The Parham Alliance Beautification and Revitalization Organization (PABRO)

says it remains committed to serving the Parham community as it made a timely

donation to the Parham Community Clinic.

A PABRO representative and the donor jointly presented a Digital Medical Scale

to Parham Clinic. Nurse April Francis accepted the donation on Tuesday, 15th

August, and looks forward to utilizing the piece of equipment in the provision of

healthcare at the clinic. This donation follows a string of donations made possible

by ‘Parhamites’ at home and abroad, who are devoted to assisting PABRO in

fulfilling its aim and vision for Parham Town. The PABRO thanks everyone for

their contributions, thus far.

The Parham Alliance Beautification and Revitalization Organization (PABRO) is a

registered non-profit organization under the Friendly Societies Act, Cap 184 of the

Laws of Antigua and Barbuda, Revised Edition.

The aim and vision of the PABRO is to beautify and revitalize Parham Town. To

build and sustain community capacity and self-sufficiency by developing,

promoting, and advancing economic growth and viability with special emphasis on

youth development, education, health, eldercare, sports, and preservation of the

heritage, culture, and overall environment of Parham Town.

There is still much to be done to restore the vibrant community spirit within

Parham. PABRO invites community members to join us on this journey by

becoming active members of the organization. To sign up, visit parhamtown.org

and complete the registration or contact us through our social media platforms.

(Instagram – pabr_o, Facebook – PABRO, Email: thepabro1@gmail.com,

WhatsApp 771-8566).

Photo from left to right: Nurse April Francis, Ms. Bass, Stallone Gardner (PRO),

Evans Gardner (Donor), Ms. Ford

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