Home » Community activist organizes another donation to Clinics

Community activist organizes another donation to Clinics

by pointe team
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Community activist, Randy Baltimore is again at the forefront of another donation
to two health clinics in the St. Phillip’s North constituency.
Following a visit to the clinic in Newfield, Baltimore himself donated two fans to
the health institution after hearing from the nurse in charge and other villagers
about the immediate needs.Baltimore has pledged to continue supporting the clinic with other supplies as
needed. The fans were handed over to Nurse Janet Gunthorpe.
Meanwhile, Baltimore was also instrumental in having several pieces of equipment
donated to the Glanvilles Polyclinic. The items were donated by board-certified
family nurse practitioner, Nicholette Kim Thomas.
The list of items includes:
 Vital signs machine – capable of taking blood pressure from child to adult
and also large adults, detecting pulse rates, detecting oxygen saturation, and
breathing patterns
 Tympanic Temperature monitoring
 Temperature probe covers
 Tympanic holding probe dispenser
 Portable Fetal Doppler monitor
 Fetal monitor docking and charging station
 fetal monitoring carrier case
 Ultrasonic gel
 Disposable stethoscope

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