Home » Shero’s Welcome!!! For Team Antigua Island Girls

Shero’s Welcome!!! For Team Antigua Island Girls

by pointe team
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The nation of Antigua and Barbuda stood still for a moment, a moment of sheer
joy and appreciation as it came together to the tremendous achievement of the
three Antigua Island Girls, who successfully completed the race that crossed the
mighty Pacific Ocean.
From the warm family embraces at the VIP lounge at the airport, to the drumming
and loud cheers of “welcome home,” from an enthusiastic crowd gathered at the
arrival lounge, followed by words of congratulations and well done by government
officials, it was a celebration fit for royalty.

The Team Antigua Island Girls trio of Christal Clashing, Kevinia Francis,
and Samara Emmanuel were greeted with an official welcome on their return to
Antigua and Barbuda on Tuesday; having successfully braved the elements and
grueling conditions in a quest to row the vast Pacific Ocean, and complete the
World's Toughest Row.
In the process of welcoming them home, a new word has been added to the
lexicon, Shero, noting that the ‘heroes’ in this case are females who have made
Antigua and Barbuda proud by their exploits.
With this latest achievement, Team Antigua Island Girls have successfully rowed
across the earth’s two largest oceans, the Pacific and the Atlantic.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne said the three – Christal Clashing, Kevinia Francis,
and Samara Emmanuel – will receive National Honours during this year’s
independence celebrations, but that the Cabinet is looking at other ways to show
the nation’s appreciation.

He described them as role models who have demonstrated the resilience that
Antiguans and Barbudans have displayed, even going back to the 1736 struggle by
King Court and his fellow enslaved people here in Antigua and Barbuda.
PM Browne urged all Antiguans and Barbudans to use the example of the Antigua
Island Girls and not be limited by the fact that they are from a small place, but to
have big dreams and to work towards achieving those dreams.

He pledged the sum of $20 thousand on behalf of himself and his wife, Minister
Maria Browne, and noted that the government too will donate to the cause for
which the girls chose.

Social Transformation Minister Senator Samantha Marshall noted that the
government acknowledges their resilience and commitment. “As long as I am the
minister responsible for Social Transformation, I have to make the way for your
wishes; there will be a home identified for young girls,” she announced. She noted
that there may be some young girl watching the proceedings who may remark, ‘I
want to do that too.’
Other words of congratulations came from Education and Sports Minister, Daryll
Matthew as well as CEO of the Tourism Authority, Colin James. Mickel Brann
chaired the proceedings while Bishop Kingsley Lewis of the Moravian Church
offered prayers. The National Anthem was rendered on the steel pan by Maurisha
Following the welcome, presentations of flowers, and plaques, Team Antigua
Island Girls participated in a huge parade through parts of the island, where they
were greeted by enthusiastic crowds.

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