Home » Five ABIIT students host exhibition

Five ABIIT students host exhibition

by pointe team
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Five students of the Antigua Barbuda International Institute of Technology based at

Coolidge hosted a small exhibition of their semester’s work.

The exhibition provided an opportunity for the students to display their creativity

and display much of what they learned over the course of the first semester.

The students and the focus of their presentations are Odessa Hazelwood who

presented on a history of packaging. It emphasized how the packaging of goods

changed through the years, as a vehicle to boost the confidence of the consumer in

their products and the demand to know the ingredients used in the production

process. Another student, Anthony Spencer, presented a collection of masks

representing various cultures. Spencer has expressed a desire to ‘take the world by

storm’ using his skills at reimagining.

The third display was presented by Terissa Burton who utilised her visual arts

skills to focus on clothing design. Burton explained that her designs were done

digitally or were hand painted. Her vision is to extend her ‘bloom’ line


The fourth artist presenting her work was Jamil Charles who has channeled her

creativity into cards, both traditional and digital, as well as stencil art. Her stencil

art for a start is done on T-shirts. “We are confident that with her creativity, she will

find other ways of incorporating her skills. Also presented were picture frames and

paper lanterns, the latter she said, is her favourite,” shared one of her


The fifth student in the exhibition was Tyler Deazel who has focused his energy on

digital drawings. “Pictures they say tell a story. This young budding cartoonist we

are sure will have lots of stories to tell visually. Manga and Anime (manga is the

term given to Japanese comic books and graphic novels, whereas anime is the

name given to Japanese animation) have taken the world by storm and why should

young Deazle not ride the crest of this wave? Animation is no longer confined to

the drawing board, but with the aid of high-powered graphic cards, so the

imagination of the creator is without bounds,” another contemporary noted.

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