Antigua and Barbuda is joining the rest of the international community in observing
Desertification and Drought Day tomorrow, June 17 under the theme “Her Land. Her Rights,”
A media release from the Ministry of Agriculture said, the objective of this year’s focus is to
highlight women’s land rights especially since they make up approximately 50% of the global
agricultural workforce, but regrettably less than one-in-five are landowners.
It noted that this year the UN has decided to emphasize gender equality, women’s involvement in
the agricultural sector, and land restoration. Moreover, there is a planned event on 16 th June at the
United Nations Headquarters General Assembly Hall, titled “Her Land. Her Rights:
Advancing Gender Equality and Land Restoration Goals.” It is anticipated that this global
observance event will put the spotlight on women’s land rights.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, unlike Antigua and Barbuda many females around the
world are not fortunate to be owners of land or farms. This missed opportunity not only
prohibits women from equal access to land but added to that, is the discriminatory practices
pertaining to land tenure, credit access, equal pay, and decision-making, which often impede
their active participation in sustaining land health. Finally, it is observed that women suffer the
most when land is degraded.
The Ministry is pleased to report that women in Antigua and Barbuda can be and are farmers,
backyard gardeners, agro-processors, beekeepers, vendors, extension officers, or technicians
within the sector. Currently registered with the MoA are 120 female crop farmers, 2 female
livestock farmers, and 205 backyard gardeners.
Women can and have increased agricultural productivity, restored land, and built resilience to
drought. More and more, women are attending relevant workshops, and courses, and are being
trained in different areas of the sector. Women are also known to invest more in nutrition, health,
and education which benefits themselves, their families, and the wider society both here and