The University of the West Indies Five Islands Campus continues to make waves
be-lying the fact that it is just a five-year-old institution.
This week, the institution announced it was introducing two graduate programmes,
and now comes news that later today it will be launching its Dreamers Programme.
“Step into a future of unlimited possibilities with confidence and enthusiasm. Do
you need advice on new opportunities and next steps? The DREAMERS
programme which is offered through the Lifelong Learning Unit, The University of
the West Indies Five Islands Campus can help you,” says Paula Lee, Head of the
UWI FIC Life Long Learning Unit.
Lee said there’s an open invitation for anyone to come to the launch at the campus
from 3 pm for information regarding the programme. “Come prepared to unlock
your fullest potential. If you are a university graduate, may not have attended
university, desire to earn credentials or need a plan of action, we are willing to help
you,” she urged.
Lee explained that the programme is open to anyone desirous of furthering their
development and earning credentials, thus paving the way for future advancement.
“Have you completed CXC exams? Perhaps you are contemplating the subjects
that will help with your career choice. Did you complete primary level education
or secondary school? We believe in you. Your abilities can help you learn, grow
and achieve the quality of life you deserve. See you at the Lifelong Learning Unit’s
DREAMERS Programme launch,” she added.