Home » UWI FIC to facilitate discussion on Republicanism

UWI FIC to facilitate discussion on Republicanism

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With the upcoming coronation of a new British monarch, The University of the

West Indies Five Islands Campus will explore the case for Republicanism in the

Caribbean in the next edition of its Public Advocacy series. The April edition of

the series will take place on Monday, April 24, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. with the topic:

"To Be or Not to Be: The Case for Republicanism."

This month’s speakers at the campus’ Public Advocacy Series will be Ambassador

Dorbrene O’Marde, Ambassador Anthony Hylton and Dr. Kristina Hinds. The

panel brings together a wide range of experienced individuals in the areas of

governance, politics, and reparatory justice.

Ambassador Dorbrene O’Marde is one of the vice chairs of the CARICOM

Reparations Commission and chairperson of the Antigua and Barbuda Reparations

Support Commission.

Ambassador Anthony Hylton is a Member of Parliament in Jamaica for the

constituency of Saint Andrew West and was recently appointed to the Constitution

Reform Committee of Jamaica, which is in the process of reforming the country’s

constitution, including a review of its head of state.

Dr. Kristina Hinds is a Senior Lecturer in Political Science and Head of the

Department of Government, Sociology, Social Work and Psychology at the

University of the West Indies (UWI), Cave Hill Campus. Dr. Hinds was sworn into

the Senate of Barbados as an Independent Senator in April 2022.

This month’s series will conclude the 2022/2023 series which has explored politics

and policies related to Antigua and Barbuda and the wider Caribbean. The series

will end with this exciting topic, as several of the contributing countries of The

UWI remain constitutional monarchies and are in the process of discussing

constitutional reform, including replacing the British monarchy.


The virtual event takes place on Monday, April 24, 2023, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00

p.m. (Eastern Caribbean time). Opening remarks will be delivered by Pro Vice-

Chancellor and Campus Principal, Professor Densil Williams and followed by the

discussion with the panel. Participants will be able to pose questions directly to the

speakers during the discussion segment. Persons can register online at the campus’

website: https://fiveislands.uwi.edu/publicadvocacyseries

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