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Concerns grow over disunity in Barbuda

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The Barbuda Council Chairperson, Jackie Frank, is bemoaning growing disunity among some sectors of the population on the sister isle.

In a recent appearance on the Barbuda Channel, Frank said the lack of togetherness is hampering the work of the decision making body in advancing Barbuda.

The chairperson indicated the Council is experiencing difficulties with disunity and is vowing to deal with the issue.

“People have recognised and pointed out to the Council that the body of Council is not as unified as it could be and not as unified as it probably once was in the past, which is true.  We as Councillors, we have recognised that and are taking that on board and we’re finding ways to work together to improve this, so that going forward, Barbuda can achieve even more,” Frank stated.

Noting that the internal disharmony must be addressed with urgency,  Frank further pointed out that the present situation puts at risk the island’s progress at a time when as Councillors they must together  forge ahead and leave behind their present difficulties.

The challenges of disunity are not limited to Barbuda’s decision makers; it is also an issue within the workforce. In this sphere however, it concerns the poor work ethic of some employees.

Jackie Frank said there is a stark contrast between employees of the Council and those employed by private companies. The less than desirable level of productivity of Council employees, she revealed, has now become an issue in the community.

“How is it when a developer or an outsider comes and when they expect a certain amount of engagement with the work they get it, but at the same time it doesn’t happen with Council?

“That is a challenge and something the Council will be addressing in the coming days and weeks.”

The chairperson questioned whether the challenges the executive body face are of deliberate design. She is of the opinion there may be an attempt by some developers to “divide and conquer”.

Frank said the Council is willing to work with developers in the interest of the sister isle, but she wants a direct relationship that excludes the central government. Frank noted that Barbuda’s laws are special, specific and enshrined in the country’s Constitution. Therefore, developers must operate with this in mind and show their willingness to cooperate with the Barbuda Council.

“At the moment the challenge is some of the developers do not yet recognise that fact and are not behaving that way, so it is leading to and causing some disunity within the community and that isn’t good for Barbuda.”

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