The annual St. Paul’s Summer Camp organized by area representative, E.P Chet
Greene, is now underway with the young people from the villages making up the
constituency, being exposed to new skills this year.
Greene said, along with the classes in pan, guitar, and other musical instruments,
the organisers, this year, have added sailing, a key activity of St Paul, as well as
squash and lawn tennis.
“Our aim is to introduce the young people to a variety of skills, as well as to
expose them to the cultural morays of our people. These are an important two
weeks in the lives of the youth from ages 5 – 13 years, which are the critical
formative years for young people. We are convinced that introducing young people
to positive activities at an early age helps to build better men and women by the
time they enter their teenage years and early adulthood,” Greene explained.
The MP said he is happy with the response of both parents and young people to the
camp each year. “We have had upwards of two hundred young people attending
the camp in the past, and I expect that we will reach the 200 mark this year as
well,” he noted.
Campers are fed each day and they have an ample supply of water on hand as well.
As has been the custom, this year they will participate in an outdoor activity which
includes a hike through one of the historic trails in the area.
Additionally, since he holds the Ministry of Agriculture portfolio, Greene said he
also intends to include an agricultural tour this year. “It is important that our young
people get an early understanding of the importance of agriculture, especially as
we as a government have made national food security one of the key pillars upon
which we intend to build the nation’s development,” Greene stated.
The camp is being held under the theme ‘St. Paul’s Youth Empowered to
Succeed’. Sailing, Squash, Table Tennis, Pan, Pickleball, Warri, Chess, Piano, and
Guitar are included in the activities this year.